Faculty @ TGC Animation & Multimedia
TGC is an organized body of right-Minded individuals who love what they are doing, and putting more efforts into seeing that they bring it out to the world to acknowledge. We are a group of passionate design Gurus and Pros who solely share a common dream and belief of professionalism and the art of life. Our motive was not to keep all the gifts and the cold hard innate ability which we seem to us as endowments which have been acquired through Mother Nature to ourselves. This is the major reason why we have decided to impact incomparable and irresistible success to the very few number of persons out there, who will be interested and dedicated enough to join the league of connoisseurs like us.
Our faculty is readily made up of a medium sized group of individuals with great insight and knowledge in Design, Arts, and Technology as a whole, all with approximately 10 to12 years of experience and expertise in their various given domains. Making us stand out with repute and courage from the very few other conventional training institutes out there.
With a sn ample experience and deep rooted establishment in this industry, we stand the chance of offering students, candidates, trainees, professionals, Industry Employers, and various other corporate bodies the best when it comes to education and skills in Multimedia, Animations and Modern day technology in general.
If you in any way or the other hope to have some few time perusing through our faculty, you may contact us via
and we will not hesitate to come forward with the right answers to your questions.
Call +919910667099 and book a demo session with our Expert Trainers!!