Shorterm Photography course in Keshav Puram (North Delhi)
The short term course in photography is an exclusive and powerfully packed programme for those who intends to pursue a career in Photography, Picture editing and in Camera handling. They have been broken down into different topics with regards to your own convenience.
The Sunday courses are specially designed for those who might find it difficult to attend the fore and mid-week classes in Photography at TGC Pitampura (North Delhi).
Advertising and Product Photography Course:
The advertising and photography course will help you get acquainted to the core principles and basic elements of mobile Photography courses, and how they can be applied into your career. You will also be opportune to learn how to use various softwares to create quality and enhanced photographs for advertising media, magazines, newspapers, billboards etc at little or no cost.
Events and Portraits Photography Course:
Your career towards the journey into the world of photography begins here, as you join the course in TGC Pitampura (North Delhi). You will not be left out of the game as we handhold each trainee and student teaching them the major facts and rules guiding Photo coverage especially in events and Parties. Letting them understand the differences in all the occasions and how to handle each occasion with respect to its own requirements.
Editorial and Crime Scene Photography Course
You could become a real time professional Photographer while becoming a great tool in the industry, helping in Journalism by using your newly acquired skills to explore in the wide growing industry.
Sports , Action and Press Photography Course:
Covering sports news and events could also be one of the added advantage of becoming a photographer, you will be so much exposed to meeting up with various great football stars and legends all over the world, Â thereby giving yourself a greater opportunity to become a celebrity photographer.
Travel, Wildlife and Landscape Photography Course:
Another incredible fact which may be difficult for you to believe is how wild life are landscape Photographers seems to be the most important personalities in the whole of the Photography industry, its never every Photographer that knows what it takes to become a guru in Covering landscape and Wildlife photography.
At TGC Pitampura (North Delhi), Photography course classes, you will be fully enlightened on the cons and pros in WildLife Photography and Landscape Coverage so you can be opportune to make a great deal of wealth alongside other professional celebrities in the field.
Other benefits include having extra-ordinary knowledge on Fashion Photography and Food Photography.
To know more – enroll now or speak to our counselors at Toll-Free No.: 18001020418