Introduction to Best PHP Course in North Delhi
The Advanced PHP Training in North Delhi is a programming course offered by TGC Pitampura (North Delhi), the course focuses on Pure and arrant programming language known as Hypertext Preprocessor, MYSQL training course in North Delhi it is one of the famous programming languages used in the creation of virtually every modern day webpage, it was derived from Personal Homepage Tools. The PHP undertakes both the functions of a language as well as an interpreter in the World Wide Web Page which is primarily used on Linux web servers. To know more – register now or speak to our counselors at Call : 9910667099
Objective of php training tutorial
The involvement in the training sessions would serve as an open door for students into the world of internet Programming, at TGC Pitampura (North Delhi), you will be taught both from scratch the core aspects and advanced PHP which would at the end benefit you. You will be able to know how to inject scripts and commands into web pages and have them respond at your beck and call. Also understanding other important modules which are in a relationship with pure and applied PHP, modules like MYSQL, database, CMS Joomla/WordPress and Drupal and also Framework CakePHP etc.
The benefits of becoming a very industrious and skillful web programmer and PHP developer, If you are thinking of whether you will be successful or not with the course at completion, php online course then it will be better of to open your personal computer right away and on Google search type “JOBS IN PHP”, and be marveled with uncountable and numerous job opportunities for many types and areas all in PHP, that would be shortlisted for you, the funniest thing about this Jobs is that they are very dynamic and ductile, you may choose to either work on full time or part time, or even on contract, very customizable that even a lame PHP developer could earn millions while working.
A basic understanding of Html is pre-assumed, due to the fact that Html is essential in the PHP development programme but happens to be unfortunate that it not amongst the course outline, as it stands as a different course entirely, but at TGC India, you are opportune to apply for the HTML classes and finish it up before furthermore proceeding with PHP. For further inquiries on this, please kindly mail to
Course outline
Week 1: PHP and Web Programming – Overview
- How PHP compares with other approaches: JavaScript, Flash, CGI/Perl, Microsoft’s ASP, and Sun’s Java Server Pages
- PHP Pros and Cons
- PHP: past, present and future (PHP 3.0, PHP 4.0, and PHP 5)
- The road ahead…
- Modular application design
- Learning to create and use code libraries
- Object Oriented PHP
- Separating front and back ends (MVC pattern)
- Setting up your environment
- Directory structure
- Error handling and
Week 2: Elements of PHP – Review
- PHP variables and arrays Control flow
- Patterns for processing HTML forms
- Understanding $_GET, $_POST, $_SESSION and other PHP super-arrays
- Dynamically generating HTML – example: self-populating forms
Week 3: Functions
- How to think about PHP’s many utility functions
- Examples with numbers, strings, and dates
- Discussion: string functions vs. regular expressions
- User-defined functions: units of code
- Functional overview…
- Return values
- Parameters: Passing ‘by value’ vs. ‘by reference’
- Variable scope
- Arranging function in separate ‘include’ files: code libraries. Looking ahead: what is an ‘Object’? More about debugging and error handling
Week 4: Introduction to PHP and MySQL
- PHP’s customized MySQL functions
- A simple database-driven application: message board
- Creating the database schema
- Connecting to the database
- Inserting and Updating data
Week 5: Object-oriented PHP
- What is O-O programming, and why is it cool?
- Understanding how using objects can improve PHP programs
- Understanding how objects work in PHP
- References vs. values
- PHP 4 vs. PHP 5
- Re-using existing objects: Example of the PEAR:: DB interface
- Creating and programming with objects: Example of an object-oriented version of the message board
Week 6: String
- Quoting String Constants
- Printing Strings
- Table of Contents
- Accessing Individual Characters
- Cleaning Strings
- Encoding and Escaping
- Comparing Strings
- Manipulating and Searching Strings
- Regular Expressions
- POSIX-Style Regular Expressions
- Perl-Compatible Regular Expressions
Week 7: Arrays
- Indexed Versus Associative Arrays
- Identifying Elements of an Array
- Storing Data in Arrays
- Multidimensional Arrays
- Extracting Multiple Values
- Converting Between Arrays and Variables
- Traversing Arrays
- Sorting
- Acting on Entire Arrays
- Using Arrays
Week 8: Object
- Terminology
- Creating an Object
- Accessing Properties and Methods
- Declaring a Class
- Introspection
- Serialization
Week 9: Introduction to cms(Joomla)
- Building cms through Php
- Joomla -Introduction to cutting-edge content Week
Week 10: Bringing It All Together
- In the final week, we apply many of the concepts studied so far to develop a complete, well-architected web application component: a simple online shopping cart using cookies, sessions and the database.
- PHP and web application security
- More about objects
Course Schedule
Course Duration: 2 1/2 months
Schedule: 2 Hours/ 3 Days a week
Why TGC Pitampura (North Delhi)
TGC Pitampura (North Delhi) is the right platform to get your certification in PHP if you are looking for the best and low priced school in Delhi, India. This course comes with “value for money” principle at TGC Pitampura (North Delhi), the reason being that we are not committed to what we are doing just of because of your money and how much you’re going to pay for these courses. The very good reason why you should choose us is that of our name and reviews from multimedia dollar number of students who have graduated successfully from one course or the other using our platform. For more info,
please shoot us an email at info@tgcnorthdelhi.com or speak to our counselors at Call : 9910667099, 9910667399